Latest podcast episode on Sonos using Home Assistant

Find the RSS feed url

Find your podcast on Apple's iTunes site. For example:

Copy the url to to find the RSS feed url.

For example:

Use Home Assistant to scrape the RSS feed for episode links

Add a Scrape integration in Home Assistant to find the urls of the mp3's in the rss feed.

In Home Assistant go to Settings > Devices & services > Add integration > Look for "Scrape".

- Paste the url into the resource field
- Enter a name (for example "bnr_ochtendnieuws")
- set the Select to "enclosure"
- and the Attribute to "url"

You should now have a sensor that shows the url to the latest episode. For example:

Call a service to start the episode

Now you can call a service this:

service: media_player.play_media
  entity_id: media_player.living_beam
  media_content_id: "{{ states('sensor.bnr_ochtendnieuws') }}"
  media_content_type: music